With VIETLISH iEC WHEEL – Communicative English becomes more practical when there are no more stereotyped books

🎊The program’s advantages that cannot be denied:

Creativeness – high application.

Highly updated communication topics from Personal Life, Work, and Society.

Personalization programs which are developed based on individual, age and purpose

🎊Teaching and learning methods accompanied:

✅Practice IPA pronunciation by applying ELSA SPEAK- the artificial intelligence technology in training and coaching

Intensive practice which includes 30% instruction & 70% discussions by English. Thus, learners can  increase natural reflexes and confidence when communicating in English

✅ Applying V.A.K learning method, which can effectively  help learners to access information through flexible coordination between Visual-Audio-Kinesthetic (movement) 

🎊Great learning formula for an unforgettable summer:

Practical Program + 100% Practical Update Method + Fun-loving coach+ 25% discount on tuition + Free 1 ELSA account = JOY THIS HAPPY SUMMER WHEN STUDYING ENGLISH COMMUNICATION AT VIETLISH.

🎊 July Promotion: Discount 25% of tuition + Free 1 ELSA account

Receive 01 Oxford Picture Dictionary for free when signing up for 2 or more courses

✅Free entrance test and trial study for 01 session

Join Vietlish Coffee Talk in 1 year for free

Let’s enjoy a vibrant and meaningful summer of 2020 with Vietlish!




🔥Register for free Testing:


☎️Phone: 097 595 7872 (Ms. Gấm) hoặc 036 550 4320 (Ms. Nhi)

🏘Address: 79/8 Quốc Lộ 13, P26, Quận Bình Thạnh, TP.HCM.

#Vietlish_Cospaces #No_One_Left_Behind

#tienganhgiaotiep #Summer2020